Main Air Control looking into the On-Air Studio

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Support the Broadcast Employment Free Market Act

Union representatives from the American Federation of Radio and Television Artists are trying to pursuade congress to pass legislation which would prohibit broadcasting companies from imposing the so-called non-compete clauses when they are terminated from their jobs in broadcasting. The bill is entitled S.B. 1141 - The Broadcast Employment Free Market Act.

I think its long over due.

From the WFRNlive.com website: "S.B. 1141 is needed because these non-compete provisions are fundamentally unfair to broadcast employees and do not serve any legitimate employer interest. These clauses require broadcasters to refrain from working in their profession for anywhere from three months to 24 months, whether the broadcaster is being paid or not, and even when they've been fired or laid-off at the employer's decision. Non-compete provisions artificially compress wages and impede the free negotiation of employment contracts. Employees have to choose between taking a lower-than-market offer or uprooting their families to move to another city."

When you think of it, it really makes perfect sense. Why prohibit anyone from earning a living once their employment has come to an end? In most industries, whether service, professional, workers always have had the right to seek new employment in the industry of their choice from the day they've ended their business relationship with their former employer. Really, its common sense.

I suggest that those of you who are in the broadcast industry in Pennsylvania to call up Senator John Gordner of the 27th district and let him know that you expect his support on the bill without any additional modifications.

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